Project Areas

Community Solar

New Mexico's Community Solar Program allows most residents to collectively share (and own!) up to a 5 MW solar farm and receive credits on their electricity bill from the power that is produced. Brian develops community solar and other solar projects in New Mexico through technical and financial feasibility analsyis and design consulting. Brian helped found, and currently serves as General Manager for, New Mexico People's Energy Cooperative whose goal is to have a community-led, community-owned solar project. Brian was part of the first cohort of the NCSP Community Power Accelerator Learning Lab, receiving a Certificate in Community Solar Development in 2023.


Agrivoltaics is a land-use design approach that combines photovoltaic (solar) power sytstems with agricultural activities in the same space. If designed well, there can be benefits that go beyond the individual benefits of each. Panels can provide shade to prevent sun scorch to plants and excessive moisture loss from the soil especially in the environments of New Mexico. Brian has partnered with multiple solar technology developers and manufacturers on research proposals to explore the application of agrivoltaics in New Mexico.  Brian serves on the Stakeholder Board for the National Center for Apprpriate Technology's Agrisolar Clearninghouse, a resource for all things agrivoltaics. 

Rio Grande Community Farm

As the volunteer "Chief Engineer" at the Rio Grande Community Farm in Albuquerque Brian works on a variety of projects ranging from fixing up "Old Red" the Ford 850 tractor to refurbishing an old trailer into a mobile solar power system. He is working towards a larger vision of a fossil-fuel free farm operation that incorporates solar energy, electric tractors, and other ideas that he calls The Electric Farm. The projects involve students, other volunteers, and organizations interested in implementing this vision.

Regenerative Ag

Regenerative agriculture can refer to many different things, but in general the focus is on soil health. Brian partnered with the New Mexico Healthy Soil Working Group and farmers at Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm to host a field day for the public to demonstrate different methods of cover cropping as part of the Village of Los Ranchos Agrifutures Program. He is also a member of the National Associations of Conservation District's Soil Health Champion Network to help promote and demonstrate healthy soil pratices.